A subtle message to ISIS


“As I sit here constantly hearing and watching you execute innocent men, women and children in the Middle East I chuckle. Why do I chuckle you may ask? Well let me explain something to you cowardice fools who think you are so tough behind all your propaganda videos. You are scaring a population that doesn’t know how to fight, you’re bullying the weak. You say Islam is the religion of peace,but since when does terrorizing the innocent and beheading men, women and children constitute peace? WTF? But keep in mind, what did Saddam’s troops do when we came rolling into town? They surrendered, twice… So all your empty threats of coming to America and raising your flag over the White House amuse me more than any of you sick, sadistic bastards could ever imagine or comprehend. In 2012 there was about 21.2 million veterans in the United States. Do you understand what that means? Let me break it down for you. That means there are literally millions of disgruntled, dysfunctional, pissed off veterans who have been dealing with years of abuse from their government stabbing them in the backs and having to watch their friends die because you Islamic extremist idiots can’t seem to act like normal human beings and stop terrorism and the violence. It’s one thing to take over an Islamic state, but if my memory serves me correctly, I’m pretty sure we plowed through Fallujah in 4 days. Better yet, it took us about month to control your entire country. At this point, with 13+ years of war under our belts, how long do you think it would take us to do it all over again? I’ll let you draw your own conclusions on that one. Do you really think you stand a chance on US soil? Do you really think it would be smart to poke that bear? Remember, never bite the hand that feeds you. Remember we are armed to the teeth in the US and I can promise you this… the Geneva Conventions will not apply to you. You attack us and there will be no mercy. We will bring the righteous hand of God down upon you and crush you. The ball is in your court now ISIS. We are more than ready to arrange your so called “meeting” with your 72 virgins and send you to your “prophet” Mohamed.”

– Nick Powers 


  1. Dude, will you have gay babies with me cause this is the shit right here. I worked at a prison camp my 2nd tour and they threatened us all the time of coming to America and killing our mothers and sisters and raping our wives. I finally lost it on them and had the interpreter repeat back that I in fact slept with a gun every night I was home and that i would have no problem killing any one of them that had the balls to come to my home and try. and the fact that I had half a dozen vet buddies withing 10 to 20 minutes of me to back me up, I told them to bring the heat but make sure they say their goodbyes cause we would leave them buried with a pig in some shallow grave somewhere. Note that dying unclean to them means they go to their version hell, hence the pig.

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      1. Good. I don’t care for people who feel the need to flaunt their sexuality. It doesn’t make you intelligent, doesn’t make you know anything we don’t (except shit we don’t wanna know)… What I’m trying to articulate, once again is… Just fuck off.

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      2. For an light supporter (You) your in the wrong blog for this, and maybe you haven’t realized that we have evolved, each religion has its fault, but be aware of this, America is a noble country, your not being harassed constantly for being what you are. Secondly your gay rights montra would not be welcomed in Muslim countries. They would kill you in a heartbeat. And ad far ad my message to ISIS, You wanna try to take the fight here, bring it

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      3. No one cares that your feelings are hurt… Charlie good job showing how weak you are. People offend each other all the time, learn to own it or take it with a grain of salt.


      4. Your context is poorly placed. The visceral hatred expressed here is not meant for your semantics or even your liberal haven of a shelter. These men and women (myself included)a pay dearly with their time, their lives and their families for your ignorance and greed. Say they volunteered, say you didn’t ask for it. But then move to Liberia or Sierra Leone and collect your next rock collection with your face and teeth with a bag over your head. You be you, by all means. But do not EVER underestimate or demean the faces, souls, families or individuals that provide that blanket, no matter how ugly it may be. I’d sleep in razor wire knowing it kept the wolves at bay.


      5. shut the hell up. quit getting insulted over every little comment. you know he wasnt targeting you so dont start problems


      6. No one cares. You want to be treated normally? Act normally. I don’t put an acronym on my sexual orientation. So why should you? In fact, I will. HMF. Heterosexual Mother Fucker. There, now every time someone hetero bashes I will throw out my acronym.

        Now as for your comments on the Christians starting the crusades, yes the Catholic church did in fact start the crusades in order to reclaim the Holy Land from Islam. Why? Because towards the end of the Koran, Muhammad tells his followers that if the Christian and the Jew will not convert then they must be destroyed. And So, Salahudeen, a great strategist, took control of Jerusalem, and do you know what he did there to the jews and christians? I suppose not. Because it seems to me that you only skim the wave tops of history without finding out any real information. Charlie, it matters not that you remain neutral in this feud when it comes to how the Muslims will treat you if they catch you. Your argument will fall on deaf ears as they prepare you for decapitation. And they will. And a “Non Belief” Tax?? Sounds pretty tyrannical to me. So you don’t believe in my religion, pay me or I will kill you. That sounds fair, right? Except it doesn’t.

        And your sexual orientation, while it is not condoned by Christians, they will not behead you for it. Islam will. Think about that next time you stick up for ISIS and extremist Muslims, and bash Christianity for being intolerant.


      7. You have to be a ignoramus to know one. The comment in no way meant to offend, it is also is impossible to have have baby between to men or women. Soooo, get over yourself and find the humor in it and stop making it about what you want to make of it. If you said to you wanted to have straight babies, no one would give you shit. So enjoy your rights to lick vag and shut the fuck up, you only have that right because Hardened Warriors go fight on you behalf.

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      8. Also apologies for the vag comment, you look like a girl in your pic. Still shut you mouth if you have never been apart of the fight. Thank you


      9. how is a man asking another man to have his babies an insult? i’d say it was quite progressive that having “gay babies” with another man is a sign of male to male endearment. I also didn’t know we had elected yo to be our ambassador 😀


      10. Figures, you’re missing the whole point, jackhole! It’s a shame that so many of us have died to defend your moronic ‘right’ to insult those who actually have value.
        Take a flying f–k useless one!


      11. some of your comments might have truth in them yes Christianity was the cause of a lot off horrific brutality to others, but the difference between them and the Muslim terrorist is that Christianity evolved where you sick Neanderthals still think its expectable to live in barbaric times and believe the bullshit of some made up paedophile you call your prophet

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      12. some of your comments might have truth in them yes Christianity was the cause of a lot off horrific brutality to others, but the difference between them and the Muslim terrorist is that Christianity evolved where you sick Neanderthals still think its expectable to live in barbaric times and believe the bullshit of some made up paedophile you call your prophet. British Royal Marine


      13. This Charlie guy is the dumbest person I ever heard. In the post when the he said digruntled and pissed off. It’s because of people like you. You do not know shit, but what you read and see. Which is probably on the website or TV station you always go to. You told a guy that by him saying gay it offended you but you tern around and attack Christians. You sir are a hypocrite. Plus did you realize that the majority of the military are Christians that die every day!!! Just to have some dumbass talk about them. I love serving my country and I’ve been doing for a while now, but people like you really piss me off knowing I’m risking my life for some low life that talks down on my religion. So what if someone says gay. They CAN!!!!! So shut up and get a life. Finally you know nothing about what’s going on in the middle East or with this war by reading your post above. You don’t know nothing about any of these religions. So please sir keep them to your self. And finally God Bless!!!


      14. Hey Charlie …go pound sand …you know what they do with you once the shtf over here..right ?..yuou think you are offended by words..just wait cupcake…why does being gay turn folks into cowards…Offended by words ??..good

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      15. Charlie you know who I want to party with ..the LBGT who thinks that what he said is as hysterical as I think it is too..you…not so much ..sorry guys ..I know we should ignore him but I got offended..LOL…waaaaaaaaaa


      16. Your comment about how you get insulted, insults me. If there was a remove comment for offensive language, it would have been pressed.


      17. Charlie, nobody here gives a fuck if you’re insulted. Honestly, i don’t even know why you’re on this website.


      18. And you can stfu!
        What the fuck are you adding to this essay? UYour post is offensive to me , that you are so selfish and self righteous that you speak about where you lick or put your dick versus the thousands and thousands that are being raped, murdered and cleansed. Somehow you are supposed to matter more here? I think not home boy piss off and go fuck yourself brubby bastard.


      19. Seriously dude, even if you suck dick, could you be more of a pussy. My wifes gay friends have bigger balls than your whiney ass. Be a human, who cares what your background is, but stop being such a fucking pussy. Rant over. God bless bro. (Side note, I would have said the same to a straight man or woman who was so f-n whiny)


    1. Next time inform them that our women carry too. And that many of us mothers, sisters, girlfriends, and wives have husbands, boyfriends, and daddies that taught us how to put a bullet between their eyes in the event that our men aren’t here to do the honors. Welcome to OUR country where our women are proud of our men and are just as unwilling to take any shit.


  2. coward,rats ilamic,our special forces and special operation forces are waiting for you,mother fuckers


  3. And far all those who mock at how warlike Islam is…Christians were the ones who started the crusades. They still go out on “missionaries” and will only help those who “concert” but not give help to “infidels”. They are as bad in the Afeixan wars as the other other groups they fight.

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      1. Instead of using expletives, why not use actual facts, evidence, and proofs to explain yourself? As we mock certain groups of Muslims for their “honor crimes” on women, Christians don’t realize the Bible allows it too—even tells rapists to marry the women they rape. And what people don’t get about Islam is that, without Islam, our numbering system wouldn’t exist today, we wouldn’t have coffee,, and perhaps most of the ancient Roman and Greek texts would have been lost to time—yes, Muslims helped preserve the history of Europe before the Dark Ages, aka when the Church ran everything, set in.

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    1. Dick, the crusades were to push back islamist invaders that had swept across Europe, they even had control of Italy and spain. Do your research before talking shit

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      1. Had they remained defensive, no prob. But they had to on the offense with Jerusalem. And how many people died because they thought their version of Christianity was correct, as during the Protestant Reformation. And how many pagans the Christians killed, going far beyond the need of self preservation. Then you have the Inquisition to kill anyone not Christian. And what the Puritans did when they came to America. Christianity is as much blood thirsty, if not more so, than Islam ever was.

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      2. It wasn’t Islam that created the number system, yes, it was a Muslim but not a radical, he was an educated man that believed in peace and harmony…. he even let Christians live. His name? Saladin…


    2. We’ve fought islamic extremists for 13 years, there is a culture dedicated to hating these lowlives. You’re right, all extremists deserve a shallow mass grave in the hollers. Burning abortion clinics, raping women who’ve had premarital sex, and just being disrespectful for the sake of hatred.


    3. Charlie, Charlie, you need to study TRUE history not muslim versions! The Crusades started because the muslim hordes were overrunning the Holy land and KILLING ALL CHRISTIANS AND JEWS THEY ENCOUNTERED! The Christians of Europe decided to got to the Holy land and try to SAVE it from TOTAL DEVASTATION! Have you read where the current muslims are DESTROYING ANCIENT SITES OF HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE? p.s.; you really need to pay more attention in school to your grammar and composition classes. Oh, AND spelling!

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      1. Never fight to kill, only to defend. All you who claim to be spiritual descendants of a man whose religions only ever knew to kill in the name of an intolerant god who allows free will but will damn you to hell for practicing it if you come to a logical conclusion he doesn’t exist, or go to hell for even a finite sin because you forgot to or couldn’t confess before a freak death from some random accident. Mheh. You all do not use avatars or links to show who you really are, such fire-branding trolls!

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      2. And plus, the Muslims allowed Jews and Christians to live as long as they paid their non-belief tax. Jews lived well under the Muslims in Spain but died under Isabel and Ferdinand for not converting to Catholicism. The Jews killing Canaanites to take their cities. And all of you fighting and killing each other today for a piece of land no bigger than New Jersey but had no oil or valuable resources to offer the rest of the world. Pathetic.

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      3. Charlie, from one atheist to another, shut the fuck up. You sound so ignorant. Leave these people alone. They are free to have their own beliefs and don’t need a little prick like you shoving your shit in their face. You sound so stupid with all your “facts”. Learn your history before you go commenting and arguing with people about their religion. Fucking queers man…..

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      4. Maybe you should learn history. Ottoman empire ruled over a large chunk of europe for 100s of years. They didn’t force anyone to convert. Sure they made them pay taxes like they did to everyone, but they didn’t murder like you claim. When the chriatians were persecuting the jews before the 2nd world war, it was muslims that took them in and helped them, not the other way around. Maybe instead of liatening to bigots and bullshit media do a bit of research. Every religion has extremists, ISIS is a fanatic group, it’s not a representation of the entire religion. I’m muslim and i would gladly fight against them because they don’t represent me or my family and our views. Nor are very religious. In my opinion, all religions should be scrapped if that woild mean hayeful idiots on all sides would stop hating and causing this type of shit.


    4. You know Charlie, sometimes you just can’t argue “stupid”. And what I mean by “stupid” I refer you back to all your comments and replies above and below. In other words, you are “stupid”.

      How can you even try to compare the crusades to ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups!? You, along with many others that would agree with you, are so dense and so uninformed it’s a crime we allow you to procreate.

      ISIS and Hamas and all the like have one mission: Kill all Christians, Jews, and anyone who does not follow Sharia Law. You really ought to do some research and KNOW the enemy before you open that cake hole of yours and spew ignorance on the internet.

      Please do our society a favor this coming state elections and don’t vote. Take the next two years to study and become informed, and hopefully by then you can earn a bit of respect back and vote a leader like Ben Carson or Ted Cruz into office to give the control back to American Citizens who understand very clearly who our enemies are and the enemies of our good allies and will defend our borders without letting PC morons get in the way and further guide our country down the path of destruction.

      I say all that to say this: ISIS and the like are very direct that they don’t want peace with Christians, Jews, America, or Israel. It’s convert or die. The Crusaders in no shape or form promoted such genocide like ISIS has already begun. Ignorant peons, like yourself, Charlie, need to wake up and stop making excuses. Otherwise, my suggestion would be that you go greet ISIS members with a smile and offer your hand and then count the seconds till they decide to cut your head off and send the video as further proclamation of their intent to the world.

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    5. Actually the crusades were started by the Muslims in 600 AD’s. The western Crusades were started to stop the Muslim invasion. Islam is not a peaceful religion.

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    6. Shut the fuck up. Yes we all know, professor. The topic is not about Christianity, it’s not mentioned, and you’re just a mouth-breathing philistine attempting to seem as if you’ve got some kind of relevant point.

      Oh, you know about the crusades? You must be a god damned genius! Well, are people in this country raping kids and beheading civilians on a 24/7 basis? So your point is fucking moot. What Christians did 1000 years ago has no fucking relevance to the fact that jihadists, particularly ISIS thugs, are cowardly, weak, inept, incapable (against those who know how and have the courage to fight) scum. They are scum. I don’t give a shit about what Pope Clementine did ages ago. I care about the here and Mothafuckin now, so do me a favor and GFY.

      p.s. Don’t take it personal… I hate you, but you’re still sort of a human being probably. A miserable virgin human being but one all the same.

      Come talk to me when you know jack shit about the world and have relevant facts (not demonstrating your awareness of extremely obvious historical records and an Orlando Bloom Movie).


    7. Get off your high horse, and read up on your history. Why were the ‘Crusades’ initiated? Because Islamic armies were invading and conquering their way through the Western continent, imposing their religion on all they conquered.
      With out the ‘Crusades’, all of Europe would be under Islamic rule, and if you lived under, you wouldn’t be able to even read what I’m typing here. “Christians don’t realize the Bible allows it too—even tells rapists to marry the women they rape.”…wow….have you read the Bible, honestly?


    8. You are absolutely wrong on that note. Not only did the Muslims start the crusades, they started in a similar terrible fashion as this. People seem to overlook that 50% of the worlds Christian population was slaughtered or converted on the sword foe 200 years before the Latin kingdoms intervened. Please, take a history class, read Muslim literature of the time…even speak at how bad the Saracens were. The Muslim population of Egypt poured money into the west for help. Now sit down and shut the fuck moron!


    9. Catholics only did that actually. And they are targeting Assyrian Christians primarily who’s churches go back before the time of the roman crusaders, and had been targets of the crusades themselves. Watch your words if you have not check facts. God Bless the USA and God watch over the Assyrian Christians being systematically targeted by ISIS.


    10. Charlie,

      With all due respect, you have no damn clue what you’re talking about. Islam originated in Saudi, in the Arabian desert by some nomadic, uncultured Arabs. Islam spread noth not the way Christianity had spread, by word, but by sword. The Islamic crusades that are so seldom heard slaughtered hundreds of thousands of pagans and Christians alike.

      The Crusades you people talk about killed more Christians and pagens than it did Muslims or “Arabs”. They came from the north to get to Israel. On their way they pillaged and destroyed, like the Muslims, hundreds of villiages. As a Christian, the Crusades were a black eye and not based on any of the New Testimony teachings.

      But that was then. That was at a time where people were less educated, less connected, and had a far less understanding of other cultures. So let me ask you this. Since the crusades, how many other incidents in history were fought in the name of the Almighty Christian God and conversely how many wars were fought in the name of Islam and Allah?

      I’ll end with this. I’m Assyrian. Born in Syria. Christian by birth and accepted through my faith. I now live in Canada. I’m proud of this country. It gave my family and I everything we could have asked for and more. I will be the first to stand up and serve my nation should these devil worshipping demons ever come to this country. And you, as an openly gay individual, will be begging for your government to protect you. Because the only thing they hate more than Christians are pagens, apostates, and gays.

      To the author of this letter, your service is commendable. We are proud of your efforts but we as Assyrians are being slaughtered. Help us!

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    11. Your post is truly hard to follow Charlie, but let me make one point and a recommendation, in the last two centuries how many heads of children have Christian “Missionaries” cut off? And if expressing your faith in an environment which equates a death penalty, why would you bother? Do us all a favor and volunteer to lead such an endeavor. PLEASE. I understand they have a double standard on LGBT. There’s a cause you could go and promote to them.


    12. well aren’t you just an ignorant little flower. The crusades that were declared by Urban II were a direct response to a plea from the patriarch of constantinople to protect the holy land from militant muslims, and the direct threat they posed to the west. Islam has an unbroken history of slavery, oppression, invasion and conquest. If you want to start pulling out the history of the conflict between islam and the civilized world, it sounds like you’ve got some reading to do.


    13. Join isis then. Always one of you “all the answers” morons in the crowd. Always a rebuttal weather it be right wrong or indifferent. If they are not so violent and christans are worse. Then pack your fucking bags and go. Ten bucks says isis won’t give you a fucking iphone or mac book to post your stupid shit stirring rants of uneducated crap.


    14. So are you saying the crusades justify the current retaliation, because I thought you were meant to learn from the past and not use it as an excuse, also comparing to Christianity is daft, you are bringing things up from a long long time ago, anyone who takes religious text as fact are daft, you learn from their lessons and not doing the things that they tell you to, (i’m athiest before you try and tell me about how bad Christians are, i don’t really care). Stop being a key board warrior, it’s all well and good to use arguments such as “well they did it first” or “other religions are bad to”, that is fruitless and leads no one closer to a solution. There are bad people, end of, and some of the those bad people will use religion to justify what they do, anyone who commits acts like this under the name of “god” is a fanatic and should be given no excuses


    15. why do you have to target christianity here? we arent talking about that we’re talking about the slaughter of thousands of innocent people. who gives a fuck what the bible says take you unrelated shit elsewhere you fucking hippie


    16. Are you for real? You are comparing what happened over 900 YEARS AGO to what is happening now? This is today, the 21st century. Are there Christians today amassing forces and traveling throughout countries beheading children and committing genocides?
      Also, you will compare “not helping” non-Christians to forced conversions and mass murder?

      Is it really possible for andyone to have such a tiny little mind as what you have displayed here?
      By the way, “Infidels” is a term used by Muslims for non-believers, not Christians, is it not?


    17. Mate your the type of dude that will be converting to Isalam when the time comes, oh no my mistake you will be behaeded because being “gay” is not allowed in an Islamic state and as for the crusades read a little. People like you make me laugh what have you every done for your Country?


    18. You’re using an analogy of the crusades? An ancient civilization that lived in a very different environment and culture with different laws and different goals. I doubt Christians nowadays are the same as Christians from around the year 1200. No one is bashing Muslims. This is about a certain group of Islamic extremists that are committing violent crimes against humanity. The fact of the matter is this certain group of individuals – regardless of race, sex, or religion – need to be removed from this world.


    19. The Crusades were awful…and almost 1000 years ago in Europe by the Roman Catholic church, not by modern protestants. And how do missionaries not give help to “infidels”? If by infidel, you mean those who don’t believe the same thing you do then you’re completely wrong. I know many missionaries who go to bring help to the less fortunate. They do it out of love and with a good heart. Yes, they preach the Gospel according to our beliefs. We rejoice when someone converts, but give no negative recourse to those who choose not to believe.


    20. Welllll the way I see it, both the US and England are a Christian majority…both faught Muslims, both won against Muslims…now I’m not a very religious person but to me it sounds like Christians have it right because their god let them win….TWICE! (Well, obviously much more but citing Crusades and our current ‘GWOT’) Sounds to me ISIS is jelly that they keep losing and kill people that can’t fight back and say, “ohh we kill unarmed men woman and kids so score 1 each kill”. Well in reality that counts as a negative kill because they’re cowards and kill UNARMED Christians. Cowards, plain and simple. I hope they come to America and try to fight, not really genocide if it’s self defense and we will finally be rid of the scum bag cowards! God Bless America and bring it the f**k on, bi**hes!! 🙂


    21. Charlie I have someone who is way smarter than you who like to refute that ….Christians started the Crusades…from a guy who rides a Knights Templar bike , I say shut the piehole until you gain some knowledge….even though you don’t seem capable of being open minded unless it comes to forcing your lifestyle on everyone …listen to this from beginning to end…use the pause button ..actually LISTEN ya tool..and I can guarandamntee ya you either dont watch this or say he is wrong …I have researched the Templar for over a decade now and ythis man hits all the buttons..oops sorry didnt mean to us e a hetero term….my bad.http://youtu.be/t_Qpy0mXg8Y


    22. 1.) The crusades used Christianity as a cover for their quest for wealth and land. A 10-second history lesson will show you that. You could make the argument some of these terrorist groups are doing the same thing, using Islam as a cover.

      2.) I’ve never seen/heard a Christian missionary kill or harm a single person. Pretty sure that would be front page news.

      3.) Don’t pretend to know what the bible says. No where in the bible does it say for rapists to marry the women they raped.

      The worst you will find is “Westboro Baptists”, and they, too, have never read the bible. They cover points 1 and 3.

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    23. So the 200 years of the Muslims moving north, invading countries and the slaughtering men, women, and children prior to the crusades had nothing to do with it? Interesting. Someone must have edited all of the known history. Actually, if you do a head count you will see islam has killed many more people then any of the christian based religions ever did.


    24. I invite you to try and befriend isis personally and see how that works out for you…look at the stats on Islamic controlled territories and hold witness to the never ending cycle of violence/oppression… then look at the stats on religiously diverse territories, where Muslims are more than likely a minority.


    25. The “Crusaders” or more likely the Knights Templars were the employers of both the Shiite and Sunni Muslims and had them fighting each other for over 300 years enabling as few as 80 Knights to maintain peace in Jerusalem.


    26. Get your facts straight:
      1- The Islamic “futuhat” (expansions) started before starting the war on Islam (crusades) back then.

      2- ISIS is acting the same now. Whoever does not convert to Islam and abide to their ideology will be killed. (which how Islam expands if you didn’t know)

      3- Christians were helping the infidels in many occasions throughout history. That’s what Christianity is! Love your enemy and forgive them. Look at Mother Theresa.. She was shunned by the infidels and still helped them through.

      4- Missionaries are there to spread the word of Christ. They do not kill you if you don’t want to convert. They help locals and provide the needy. Unless you heard about a “Rambo” missionary who goes across the earth to kill the indigenous people using a cross that we haven’t heard about. (Let us know if you find one!)

      4.5- In Christianity you have FREEDOM to believe the word of Christ. Nobody is obliging you to be a Christian.

      5- If there were nobody to defend Christianity back then, my dear friend, I believe your name could now probably be “Charle” ALI BEN ABED AL HUSSAIN” or something very close to that. (o yea, I forgot Mohammed, you can stick that in the middle)

      Get my drift?

      Now besides the facts, and because I am a true believer in Christ, I do NOT agree with any kind of killing what so ever! But when brain washed devils start crawling the earth and want to kill every single innocent human being, do you stand still? (Now you find yourself facing the fate of a crusader, die by the sword or live by carrying it the cross)

      Either you truly say something of importance or still, since you seem like a genuine soul, you can pray for us.

      From a Lebanese Christian Maronite (who by the way is on the brink of getting persecuted just like all Christians in Iraq)


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    27. Wrong. The cruades were in response to muslims taking over land that was holy to the christians for thousands of years and killing them like they are now. The Roman Catholic church acted IN RESPONSE to this. Read a book.


    28. You need to get out of your little self pitying box, Smell the real world, and do a serious course in remedial history and Crusades, The Crusades were a response to Islam overrunning the Holy Lands, and taking them by force from the Christian States, and the Murder of any who did not convert to Islam, Christian or Jew.

      Yes, Take your complaints to ISIS, and tell them who and what you are, Then be prepared to die, Not because you are a LGBT individual, But because you do not believe in God, Christian or otherwise.


    29. Well of course the Christians were the ones that started the crusades you dumbass. It was a CRUSADE – not a JIHAD. But the crusades were in response to the western expansion of Islam in their typically violent way. When they finally hit Jerusalem the Christians said enough is enough and started pushing them back. Get a grip on history and the facts.


      1. Bold face lie or just complete ignorance of history buying into all the athiestic socialist anti Christian propaganda of feminist academia of the past 60 years. If you know anything about the history of islam 7th century thieves murderers and extortors of the trade routes between a Christian middle east and china/india, that was until the Roman empire completely crumbled and was unable to protect what had become mostly city states in the middle east, but by the 8th Century the islamics had grown into an army with generals by jihad of the sword, that began the first crusade. Christians DID NOT instigate the crusades, fact for the ignorant!


  4. Thing is guy America didnt do it on there own please dnt forget the country that gave just as much as u guys United Kingdom forever

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      1. yes they are Eddie………we have a common enemy mate……….and I don’t think it’ll be long before the fighting starts.

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      2. Charlie, do you have any idea what ISIS will do to the LGBT community? But, that’s actually the least of worries. In the words of the Lord Jesus Christ ” Fear not those who can kill your body, and afterward can do nothing else; rather fear Him who after He has killed your body is able to destroy your soul in hell. Fear Him.”


      1. You are a moron sir. Along with Charlie, you are dense. Please stop breathing or go play in traffic or better yet go take a jog in the minefields our soldiers walk in everyday we fight to protect freedoms around the world you ignorant cunt.


      2. Watch too much mainstream media, do ya? Why don’t you exaggerate a little bit more? Friendly fire happens. It isn’t planned. Sit this one out and observe the outcome, or man up and understand we have a common foe.


      3. Yeah sure and the British forces have never shot or bombed their allies…right. Study history mate….at least get educated before you use this topic as a weak excuse for your bigotry…


      4. The common enemy is religion itself. Until we as a human race dump the ignorance and fantasy then muster the courage to stare into the abyss and admit we don’t have the answers. Until we dump the absolute arrogance required to make stuff up to fill the knowledge gaps than describe improvable doctrine as absolute ‘truth’ we are always going to have problems.

        But hey at least we have not been discriminating, torturing, ostracizing, waging war and butchering each other over these issues for centuries eh….

        Oh Wait


    1. I will never forget Great Britain and the sacrifices they made by our side. I am forever a friend and ally to my brothers across the pond and I’m extremely honored to have met some of the coolest, hardest dudes around. Crazy bastards, all of em!

      Right after deployment, our first night of LIBO in 29 palms, I went to some shit bar. Karaoked with about 30 Brits singing “American pie” Acapella. One of the most memorable moments of my life.


    2. You might want to fact check that chief. The British contribution was a drop in the bucket compared to the US.


  5. @Charlie
    Perhaps a few hundred years ago what you say was true, however the Christian faith has matured (with the exception of some fringe faiths in America) with time and historical events. Islam however is as volatile today as it was 800 years ago, if not worse, that child rapist knew what he was doing when he invented the so-called religion of peace, peace my arse. If you want to know how things are going to turn out in America in the next twenty years just ask yourself how many Muslims there are now in America compared to just 10 years ago, the answer should scare you, it’s the same in the UK and Europe, we are slowly being populated by Muslims and they are out-breeding us, according to research done in America : http://www.pewforum.org/2011/01/27/the-future-of-the-global-muslim-population/ the Muslim population will more than double world wide in the next two decades whilst white European/Americans will fall, it’s sober reading but you president doesn’t seem to mind…..??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are two Africa’s, Black Africa and Arab Africa. Both have two things in common. Lots of breeding and that the United States feeds them. Now that the American African has determined that the US should burn corn based alcohol in their care, where does the food that the Maersk Alabama (of the movie) get a shipload of food to deliver to Africa every month?


  6. you dont even know it yet this is ur goverment bull shit your guns your hummers your artillry your $450 million they so called stole they took over oil rigs which they sell to fund their war ever wondered who the fuck buys that oil ? ever questioned anything you get told yes them isis peeps are the lowest of the low but not far behind some others leave religion out of it please and go kick some ass if you want


  7. I like what you write but please dont disrespect the Islamic faith. To draw a conclusion on a whole religion because fanatics like ISIS and other is not a smart thing to do. They take out parts of the scripts and dont look at the whole picture of the religion and therefore dont have the capability to understand the purpose.

    There are basic rules in Islam that fanatics constantly break which really makes me think how they can call them selves muslims.

    Rule nr 1 , There is no force or act of imposing the religion on someone in the religion. Its says it loud and clear. If those “disbelievers dont believe” God is always merciful.

    2, You can never kill yourself or another human being. Its highly forbidden. God gave that body the soul and only God can take the soul of the body. To erupt the cycle of nature is highly forbidden and punishable. “Kill one man and you kill the whole humanity” – Muhammed SAW.

    3, Some Of you will think that you do me(Allah) a favor but you are actually fooled by the devil which makes you feel like you are doing me a favor.

    There are many rules that follow which these fanatics break every single day. Never find yourself trapped in there trap and create hate. The moment you do that, you start to become like them and take actions and metodes like them. Killing, war, etc. Who are we actually killing? Why are we doing this to each other. Ask these questions and keep on with your own faith what ever it is. Christianity is highly respected in the Holy Quran and it dosent mater if you are a muslim or a christian. As long as you respect God and the people around you. If you wake up and think killing the other one is the solution, then you have been trapped.

    Gods words is the same everywhere.


    1. @Tankedegen-The majority of Muslims think this way though. You are the minority. If everyone of the Islamic faith was peaceful like yourself I am certain people would not have an issue with them, at least based on that faith. Also quit trying to “interpret” the Koran. Quit reading between the lines so or trying to explain scary passages as something other then what they are. When your prophet’s believers wrote the Koran they meant what they said. Read it word for words, and be afraid!


    2. Brother, I might agree with you if there was ANY voice in the Muslim world condemning the horrors perpetrated daily in the name of Islam. Wake the hell up.


    3. When people hate on Islam its not normal people they hate. Its the radical islamists. Just like there is crazy radical christian cults I.e. west borough baptist church. Those cu#$s deserve a dirt nap.


    4. The reason they beleive they are is because of a doctrine called abborgration thy don’t follow the Koran in chronological order from oldest to newest but instead follow how it was put together which was longest to shortest and the shortest suharas are the most war like preaching the whole if Christians and Jews don’t convert you must kill them and whabbaist doctrine took over from there


    5. Tankedegen,

      what do

      Christians practice …Catholicism……Christianity …

      Jews practice …Judaism

      Buddhists practice…Buddhism

      Mormons practice…Mormonism

      Hindus practice Hinduism

      Sikhs practice Sikhism

      what do Muslims practice..Muslimism ???…nope..

      they practice Islamism

      there is no such thing as a Muslim

      only Islamists ..and Islamists are ALL ABOUND BY THE Koran , WHICH DOES NO SUCH THING IN WHAT YOU CLAIM……Check this out ….sounds about right to me.

      I hope you are hungry because here is some food for thought


    6. Just remember, with the amount of Muslims in the world, even if only 1% is extremists, we’re talking about MILLIONS of fanatics.


    7. Tankedegen – Empty words. Thats all this is. Nothing but empty words Until the so-called ‘mainsteam muslims’ arise and utterly repudiate and reject those among them that willingly use violence and murder to spread their ‘faith’, your words are meaningless and empty. Until the terrorist’s websites are choked with posts from ‘moderate muslims’ repudiating and rejecting the terrorists and their ideals and until the muslim extremists themselves are ejected from ALL of your mosques and holy sites, and your Immams turn their backs on them, your words ARE EMPTY AND MEANINGLESS.

      The sad truth is that the West CANNOT solve the muslim terrorist problem, no matter how many of them we kill, or capture and imprison. Only the larger muslim community can do that, and thus far they have shown the world they are utterly incapable or unwilling to stand against the terrorists.

      So please, just take your empty words to a Jihadi site, where they may mean something. Gather your brothers and sisters together and arrest the terrorists you KNOW are hiding among you, try them for their heinous crimes and publicly stone them as your Koran commands you to do with murderers. You keep claiming they are just a small minority of you – it should be easy, then, no?

      When I see the moderate muslims in the streets, stoning to death the terrorists hiding among them, then MAYBE, just MAYBE your words will have meaning here. Until then, just…Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


    8. The Muslim Jihadist represent one percent of the world’s Muslim population. The other ninety-nine percent are irrelevant, Just like the German and Japanese civilians of WWII fame. They suffered the most at the hands of their own “leaders.”


    9. And don’t disrespect the Islamic faith. Fuck your faith and your blood line you piece of shit. Go back to your dirt floor hut, shit Islam country. We do not want you people in this country…..


  8. I have never read so much stupidity as I have read here from those defending Islam. You cocksuckers have most likely never seen it up close and personal. You sit in your ivory towers and colleges and spew bullshit while the world begins to burn. I despise you pricks, you are worse than useless. There is a fight coming. Believe it or not, I care not. You wanna defend them? Stay out of my sights………

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Where are these good Muslims at protesting what’s being done in their name? I know good Muslims but I never hear them desiring to stand up against extremism. It’s beginning to look like apathy to something that should be of monumental importance.

      Political correctness and this lie called “tolerance” , in my opinion, is America’s greatest weakness. We are relegated to silence with regards to Islam for the sake of society’s acceptance. The truth is, had a small group of, say, Catholics started beheading and raping people in the name of our God, I would fight against them. You may counter point with something like “but the people have no power”. If not, that’s ok, let’s pretend you did.

      During the Arab Spring, the people did have the power (in those respective counties). Because of people like you, this country provided weapons, material support, food, and air support, effectively reducing Gaddafi’s ability to protect himself to nothing.

      What happened when those nice, innocent civilians caught up with their former president? They raped his deceased body in the asshole with foreign objects for days, showcased him in a hot shitty walk-in for a week while the heat bloated him and he had gone though several stages of decomposition; all so the “good and innocents” not connected with extremism could spit on him or smack his corpse with a shoe. Such an honorable thing to do.

      Egypt? They chose to install a government littered with extremists who have terrorist ties going back decades. The black flag of Al Qaeda was flown above the US Embassy and there was a threat we may have lost even more American citizens in a shit county where we try to help.

      I’m so sick of bleeding hearts afraid to acknowledge the facts of life. Either you haven’t lived or you refuse to accept reality. It must be nice; I’ve heard ignorance is bliss…. Apparently so is innocence; far more so than the innocent know.


      1. Oh, and if you’ll recall: ISIS sprang up to solidify the many rebel groups who were partaking in the so-called “Arab Spring”. Have you ever been to one of their shitholes? Arab Spring is pretty much a ridiculous phase since it’s ALWAYS HOT AND SHITTY there. But in the winter it’s COLD AND SHITTY. Spring in Syria and Iraq must occur in some other dimension.


    2. all religious extremesm is bad. no matter what religion it is. I saw a guy post that he would kill his first born child if god told him too. if god tells you to kill anyone then please do us all a favor and start with your self. no magic man in the sky is worth killing over


    3. Well said and agreed people like to talk alot when they havnt done their time over seas. Theyll never understand only sit there on their un American unpatriotic asses and formulate their own false opinions of something they know nothing about.


    4. And you’re an idiot. I’m muslim and am no different than you. Well actually I am different because I don’t hate my Christian friends. As a matter of dact, my Christian friends an I drink every weekend, travel together, party together, do almost everything together. Now our kids are going to be doing the same things together. Because of douche bags like you jayred exists. Trust me, Islam is no different than Christianity. Christians are just as blood thirsty. Christianity didn’t evolve. It’s juat that your hateful fanatics live in countries where the government has more control. Normal people in Middle East are suffering because of their own fanatics and instead od helping them, you’re inciting more hatred. Good thing you joined the military because clearly you’re not bright enough for anything else.


      1. @joec I am not sure who you are addressing but I assure you I do not hate all muslims. I guess you could say I hate any extremist group that does harm to innocent people on purpose. I am in the military however that does not make some one uneducated. I have a masters degree completely paid for and more job and life experience than the average 26 year old. I only want to kill those who incite terror and fear on the innocent be them christian muslim atheist whatever.


  9. ISIS ARE cowards and just monsters! Those bastards make me sick! They are big bullies who are tormenting innocent and most of the time unarmed victims. They kill just for the thrill of it! Just to say hey look at us, we got more power! They are executing hundreds of men women and children day by day. This needs to be stopped and I’m very happy when I hear that we’re carrying out air strikes against them. If you think this is just a normal terror group and there’s nothing wrong with this group , your are misinformed . And you should just go over there and see what they think of you…Good luck! THIS IS SOME MESSED UP SHIT!!! Needs to be stopped ASAP!! MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH WATCHING THESE ANIMALS! To me, worthless scum isn’t even coming close to describing ISIS and they dont even deserve that title- SMH -GOD-BLESS AMERICA-


    1. ISIS was put in the middle east to fight Syria, Hizbullah(Lebanese resistance that fought and defeated Israel in 2006 kicking them outside our borders) , and Iran, which are in the way of Israel not letting it occupy extra lands and expanding the so called promised land by a fanatic old religious book and change regimes into submitting countries. ISIS has killed more Muslims than Christians, ISIS with the same ideology as their Wahabi (KSA) firends , which ironically are friends with Israel and USA, KSA and Qatar fund these terrorist groups , Saddam was a Tyrant who was put into power with the help of the US against the Russians to stop them not to get to the oil in that region, who as usual went out of the US control so they had to get rid of him, after US invading Iraq and the world finding out that weapons of mass destruction was a lie, and that Alkaida had no relation there. It’s unbelievable how the US had been waging war creating these mercenaries and call them Islamics that ironically kill more muslims than others, and some still want us to believe they are the peace makers, I love US citizens and hope one day they realize where their tax money is going.


    2. @Charlie. Do you think just because you “identify” with them because of their dislike for christians that you are exempt from their wrath? Their disregard for u.s. human life in general means that you are a target also. Do you think they care if your gay just like most u.s. ppl dont. This is not a gay/lesbian vs bible/christian…. issue. It is a bigger human rights issue. A Freedom issue. A slaughter of innocent humans issue. Are you still living in the U.S? Like your freedom? Want to witness your friends/family/children raped and tortured or beheaded? If your answer is yes to the first part and no to the second….its time to unite and fight this no mattr color or sexual orientation because it has no validity in this!!!! If you dont like your freedom, want to witness horrific inhumane acts of violence….. grab a posse of all that think like you and meet em when they arrive!!!! i assure you they dont discriminate!!!!!! will welcome you as they slaughtr you with a smile. good day!!!!!


    3. No Americans are the Cowards and the Government is the Biggest Terrorists in the world! Be a patriot perform your duty and shoot a congressman today ! The ultimate Patriot Challenge King Obamas Head on a platter! #2014AmericanRevolution


  10. Who the fuck put y’all as world savers??!! Did y’all ask who bring these fucktards in the middle east? Why they don’t attack freakin Iran or Israel? Who has the benefit of bringing chaos into these countries they’re now.. End stat, it’s a fuckn’ game the Zionist are playing the whole world with.. Get real and think about it many times! Who has the benefit after all no Jews, Christians and Muslims like to be killed or invaded by strangers. Warlords are making money out of it! Guess who is the victim? It’s me, you and innocent people who dreams of a better place and a good life..

    Think about guys and put the pieces together. You will be able to see what is really going on.
    By the way, there’s a documentary videos called “The Arrivals” it’s a 50 episodes on YouTube! It’ll give a hints of who is really behind all that crap.


  11. Man… I fucking love it. You said everything all us veterans have been thinking and you did so with a nod to the type of shit that makes us laugh and with plenty of reminders of what COWARD FUCKS they truly are.

    Amen brotha.


  12. Well said, brother. You said everything we veterans have been thinking about for a while now, and you did so with a nod to the shit that we all laugh about (in regards to how big of pussies they are, a fact of which we are each innately aware), and while reminding everyone what COWARD FUCKS they truly are.

    Amen, brotha. I agree with every fucking word.


  13. Charlie, from one atheist to another, shut the fuck up. You sound so ignorant. Leave these people alone. They are free to have their own beliefs and don’t need a little prick like you shoving your shit in their face. You sound so stupid with all your “facts”. Learn your history before you go commenting and arguing with people about their religion. Fucking queers man…..


  14. I live in n.c I’m a veteran of the army… I welcome them to bring that shit here cause gods gonna sit this one out… I have about 30 battles in close proximity who’ll gladly take the fight to these pussies…


  15. all i got to say is if you are not with our troops then please be my guest to stand in front of them….. (Christan soldier to the end)


  16. Finally, I think Mr. Les Abbott just about hit the nail right on the damn head. Rambling on, against some stupid fuck who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in ground, gets no one- no where. Theres a god damn fight coming. And I can promise to Charlie McFuckface up there, that when it does, and it’ll come walking right up to the front door of his stupid fucking ivory tower, and I can guarantee he’s not going to want to defend islam, or any other radical fucking towel-head movement out there… and that’ll be the day Charlie… that’ll be the day of reckoning for you.

    To all my other veterans, and those currently serving, lets go get some boys, dinners hot!!


  17. @Charlie how the fuck did you even wind up on this page? Fuck, go over to the Pakistani mountains bordering Afghanistan if you want to prove your message and sympathize with these fucks, seriously, we’d be better off with less delusional people in this world if you think they’re so fucking peace loving. Also if you’re gonna get offended and think people are gay bashing, you probably shouldn’t be here bashing articles written by veterans who fought and bled for their brothers and call them cowards. Fuck, it’s ignorant shits like you who don’t realize the world is a dark an offensive place.

    And before you spew any of your putrid shit and tell me about the American government, or the terrible things people do, guess what I don’t give a shit, the LBGT activist people you advocate for voted for the warmongering, economy crushing, gay activist political party that’s in office now, so shut your fucking mouth.


  18. Charlie- You would be the first killed by a Muslim for being gay. Why should we thank the numbering system to Islam? Thank the Assyrians for that!


  19. Hey Charlie…ya troll, really bro… whats it like outside the wire? Had great friends? Lost them for a country that didn’t deserve or was even ready for that freedom? Was Iraq more stable under Saddam? You bet your ass! But having a hand removed for voting was a common thing. God forbid you played soccer or were at 16-yr-old girl within Udays’ sight. Its all a shit show, just gotta pick which flavor is your favorite, WE WILL NEVER FIX IT. Drive your Prius and live in your pristine world, but understand that it all, ALL OF IT, your precious fucking bean sprouts, have a price. The American consumer, especially the righteous pretentious variety is WHY RADICAL ISLAM HATES US. I’m gonna eat Dominoes. Extra ham and bacon, thanks. You and yours and this peace-nic ideology will not only never prevail, it will beg first for mercy, then salvation or at least security from those who never broke in the face of a known and willful enemy. I’m not scared to say “Keep the Country, Country.” Jeff Cooper had a few quotes on peaceful men. The punchline is they die along side those they defend with words. This isn’t a threat, don’t get it all twisted. Panty knots need not apply to general manliness. Men of virtue will prevail. Men fighting at home will prevail. If ISIS wants it, let the Saudis fight. Let them bring it here, let them see in the spirit of Bowie, whose country this wasn’t. Let him see it in Travis. In David Crockett. You’ll never have known such a force. England allows this to propagate. Their freedom of press burdens them. You can fly that flag here. Once.


  20. Mr. Nicholas, the GLBT community is not exactly thriving in the Middle East. Move there and start a Chapter to take up the cause. It may not turn out so well. Educate yourself you may be the next target.


  21. instead of writing on here and talking shit about either side why not shut the hell up arm up serve and deploy. see it first hand pull the trigger and make your statements that way. its easy to sit behind a computer screen and talk shit all day long. ball up and put boots on ground and face your enemy where you can see him and he can see you….. pussies puh or you can just keep talking shit behind a computer screen i guess not everybody has the balls to back up all that internet badass bullshit.


  22. I wonder if they realize everyone has had the same turn on the 72 virgins…..(nope I don’t think they have figured it out yet) or……. much of anything else for that matter!


  23. why wait till they grow bigger and are more heavily armed? you guys are already in iraq, why not kill them all like sooon?why let them kill all those poor helpless people and just watch?


  24. From my perspective, a Christian Arab living in the middle east, the American government and Isis are as much of a threat, US invading the area made these monsters come out.

    But there was fertile ground for them to silently breed like a virus under the dictatorship of Saddam and Asad, true, very true. And that’s why these assholes – the dictators – should go. But not this way. Too soon, we’re not ready yet to take over the controls.

    Amercia used you, soldiers, to come and control the oil, face it. You on the other hand are doing your duty and caring for your families and loved ones and defending your country and an ideology that we here in the east understand differently, on our terms, but essentially people all behave the same under a similar pressure; regardless where it comes from.

    Now who’s arming Isis ? Where do they get this money from? They have weapons made in the USA, is what I hear.

    Forget religion, it’s only a cover to take control and liquidate the enemies of their feeding hand.

    Are we Christians afraid of these mfs?
    Yes, at the same time we’ve seen a bit and are ready to knock them down if they come close to our mountains. But America doesn’t have an interest in arming us, we live in non oil rich parts of the land.

    Again its not and never will be about religion it’s the other religion, money.

    And about the crusades… Please, shut the fuck up. Fight fire with fire and that’s how it will always be. Unless you are Ghandi and even then…..


  25. Okay, why does EVERY blog on this subject end up in the same place? All-in-all, ISIS didn’t threaten Christians, they threatened Americans…Christian, Muslims and the like! The 2 jets that hit the towers didn’t discriminate between targets and neither will the ISIS members. Like it or not, if you are an American you are a target. So find a trusty vet somewhere nearby because when these radicals finally decide to make the biggest mistake of their lives…we will protect our country…again!


  26. Before I rant(I’ll keep it short and sweet), this was a great post..
    For those of you that are arguing about the history and religion of it all, you need to pull you head out of your fourth point of contact. These are crimes against humanity. Whether you are Christian or Muslim, the history of it makes no difference. Our forefathers are responsible for their actions as we are for ours. This is happening on our watch so don’t go around pointing fingers at the dead…

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Charlie, what do YOU plan to do if ISIS comes to US soil? Since you seem to want to defend their beliefs, I expect you to be on the front lines.. Maybe you can give them your little history lesson. This argument is simple. THEY ARE KILLING INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Your politically correct bullshit is the reason why no one in this country can express their opinions in relation to a certain situation.


  28. Charlie Nicholas sounds like a whiney little bitch. Find your testicles and return them to your nut sack you dick sucking libral shit head.


  29. Yes, all religions have had people do horrible things in the name of whatever God they follow, but the current sickos just happen to claim to be Muslim. For this reason it is easy to see how some may clump all Muslims together when talking about terrorists and extremists. I have done my time fighting this war against terror, and I do not discriminate against any religions. I do, however, support the idea of this post. I am an American, and I know just how hard we can fight (along with our allies). It is ridiculous to for these scum to threaten our nation. They are nothing compared to the power that this country holds. As a retired veteran, I know that every single one of my brothers and sisters would stop at nothing to defeat a threat to the nation that we call home and the values that we hold. Muslim, Christian, Jew, I do not care. If you believe in good and know how to truly live in harmony then I support you, but if you threaten my home and the life of my friends then you are scum. Stupid scum who has no idea who you are dealing with.


  30. Charlie Nicholas…..you obviously have too much spare time on your hands. If you are so supportive of these people then maybe you should up stick and go and live with them.


  31. That was very well put, and us Brits are always with you through thick and thin so let them try and see who comes out on top!!because for one things for sure it won’t be them cowardly bastards!!!!


  32. While we watch each other, they watch us. Fighting amongst yourselves is useless. Hating someone for their religion is pointless. I liked the comment about the imaginary friend. Hopefully people will stop fighting over things that don’t exist, and then maybe we can work together to create a world worth living for, not fighting for. All y’all suck mad dick too


  33. Charlie, its understandable your objection to Christianity, but I think you are being a little biased in your account of history.

    Where Christians claim to follow Jesus a celibate wandering teacher, healer and miracle worker, Moslems follow Mohammed a warrior prophet who fought at least 32 battles in his twenty-two years as a religious leader, commanding a further 62 battles (including an assassination). Mohammed took between eleven and thirteen wives, the youngest being a nine year old girl (albeit a girl who according to Islamic scholars had been through puberty and was therefore a woman).

    Christianity spread as small persecuted religious communities multiplied across the Roman Empire. For it’s first 220 years Christianity experienced wave after wave of persecution as unarmed martyrs gave their lives witnessing to the hope of the resurrection (being killed in the Roman Colosseum, crucified upside down in the manner of Jesus, and even torn to pieces by dogs). In total contrast, Islam expanded through successive conquests first of the polytheists and then of parts of the Byzantine Empire including Jerusalem and then of places like Spain and India.

    Just after the death of their prophet Mohammed, Islam even fought a civil war between the followers of Abu Bakr (who the Sunni claimed to be Mohammed’s chosen successor) and the followers of Mohammed’s brother-in-law Ali (who the Shia follow).

    And whilst the subsequent history of Christianity and predominantly Christian nations has its fair share of brutality. Islam’s brutality is difficult to match with the Cordoba massacre, the Pogrom in Fez, the Grenada massacre, the Chitod massacre, the Tetouan Pogrom and many many more.

    In fact under the last Caliphate between 1915 and 1917 over 1.6 million Armenian Christians in Turkey were killed, with the Turkish government denying their existence and destroying their graves (even as recently as the 1990s). And in the Second World War the Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini met with Hitler (in 1941) and came out unconditionally for the ‘final solution’ calling on the Germans to wipe out all the Jews not even sparing the children.

    I believe the problem lies right at the heart of the Koran with Mohammed’s teaching. For where the Bible records in the Old Testament an at times violent history (with terrible atrocities taking place). The teaching given from the time of Jesus Christ onwards is to ‘where possible live at peace with all people’, ‘those who live by the sword will die by the sword, ‘turn the other cheek’, etc. etc. In contrast, Mohammed instructs Moslems telling them time and time again to fight: ‘Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and you know not’, ‘I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them’, ‘O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness’.

    And Charlie whilst most Christians disapprove of homosexual practice (considering it sinful) and will not allow homosexual marriage. They also follow Jesus teaching that no one is without sin and that final judgement rests with God alone. That is not to say that historically Christians have always exemplified this teaching (but its there in the Bible). In contrast the Koran teaches that ‘if two men are guilty of lewdness they are both to be punished unless they repent’, and the Hadith repeatedly clarifies the punishment for homosexuality stating ‘Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.’ and ‘If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death’. Note that its okay to sodomize your wife.


  34. Charlie Nickolas myself coming from the middle east [christian] and serving in a western army I can tell here that you are a misinformed idiot, you take a small part of history and turn it into your pathetic argument, go there and live among them and learn the truth before you open your idiotic mouth.


  35. To the individuals that don’t want us condemning all muslims because of groups like ISIS why aren’t you standing up to them. Why didn’t you step up when a monster like saddam was killing? You sit back like the germans did when hitler took control rose to power and murdered millions. Why are you not taking a stand. Why can’t you stand and fight for what is right just and humane? No you’d rather exercise self preservation and then sit back and monday morning quarterback the brave men and women that do stand up to the bully. America stood up to the bully and defend’s human rights, our’s your’s and any man woman or child’s that is being driven to extinction. We are not a perfect people, but we damn sure try to do the right thing. God Bless


  36. For all you spiting the awesomeness of islam and what was the Ottoman Empire. I can sum it up with one statement. We are a 200 year old society that has been to the moon, they are a 2000 year old society that still wipes their ass with their hand.


  37. For all you spouting the awesomeness of islam and what was the Ottoman Empire. I can sum it up with one statement. We are a 200 year old society that has been to the moon, they are a 2000 year old society that still wipes their ass with their hand.


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